Course details

General integration course (BAMF) - Morning course

Dates and information:

Upcoming appointments:

about 9 month (20 lesson units per week) - with holidays


What is an integration course? (BAMF)

The integration course (BAMF) consists of a language course with 600 lesson units and an orientation course with 100 lesson units.

Completion: The language course ends with final language test German Test for Immigrants (Deutsch für Zuwanderer), the orientation course ends with the test Living in Germany (Leben in Deutschland). If both tests are passed successfully, you will be awarded the Integration course certificate according to the specifications of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF).

Lesson times: 8:30 - 11:45 a.m.

Z&P Schulung GmbH
Rabensteinplatz 1
04103 Leipzig

Request course
  • Contents

    In the language course (600 teaching units) you will learn the vocabulary for all important areas of daily life and the world of work, such as shopping, using public transport, contact with authorities, looking for accommodation, leisure activities and everyday situations. You will learn how to write letters and e-mails in German, fill out forms, make phone calls or apply for a job.

    In the orientation course (100 teaching units) you will get to know Germany and learn the most important things about the laws and politics, the culture and the recent history. You will receive information about your rights and obligations, but also about everyday life, traditions, regulations and freedoms. The values ​​of the democratic system in Germany are an important topic of the course. It is about, for example, freedom of religion, tolerance and equality between different social groups.

    With good previous knowledge of the German language, it is also possible to complete an intensive course, which only takes two thirds of the time (400 teaching units language course, 30 teaching units orientation course). A good result must be achieved in the placement test. In addition, proof of a A high level of education and written and oral skills in at least one foreign language are required.

  • Target group

    The course is aimed in particular at migrants who do not yet have a good command of the German language. The aim is to get to know the German language and the country.

  • Requirements

    Important documents for the registration for the integration course: Passport / identity card, certificate of eligibility (Berechtigungsschein) / admission to the integration course, proof of social need

  • Perspectives

    The general integration course is particularly suitable for migrants if they plan to take up work or further education afterwards. The course is perfect for getting to know Germany and the German language.

  • Funding

    Participation is free of charge if: Benefits according to SGB II (Arbeitslosengeld II) or SGB XII (Sozialhilfe), financially needy for other reasons (Härtefall), receipt of housing benefit, exemption from broadcasting fees (GEZ)

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General integration course (BAMF) - Morning course

What is an integration course? (BAMF) The integration course (BAMF) consists of a language course with 600 lesson units and an orientation course with 100 lesson units. Completion: The language course ends with final language test German Test for Immigrants (Deutsch für Zuwanderer), the orientation course ends with the test Living in Germany (Leben in Deutschland). If both tests are passed…
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